The Closing Ceremony of English Camp and Nursing Book Development Camp

19 Jun 2023

Saturday, June 17, the closing ceremony of English Camp and Nursing Book Development Camp was held at Anggrek Auditorium, Salaman Campus of Bapelkes Semarang as well as on Zoom Meeting. The event was attended by the Directors of Poltekkes Medan, Surabaya, and Yogyakarta, the Coordinator of SPMTNK of Bapelkes Semarang, the 20 participants and the committee, as well as the reviewers from Nursing Department of UGM, English Language Education Study Program of UII, and Curriculum and Educational Technology of UNY.

The closing ceremony was started off by singing Bagimu Negeri, followed by the speech by Wiradianto Putro, S.Kep., MPH of Poltekkes Kemenkes Pontianak as the representative of the participants. Welcoming speech was delivered by the Coordinator of SPMTNK of Bapelkes Semarang, Wardoyo, S.Pd., M.Kes., who said that he hoped the participants and all the guests feel comfortable and facilitated by the classrooms, accommodations, and staffs. The next speech was delivered by the Secretary to the Director General of Health Workers, Sugianto, SKM, M.Sc.PH. He highlighted the importance of the English Camp and Nursing Book Development Camp as a strategic measure to prepare for international class of Health Polytechnics Ministry of Health. He also thanked WHO Indonesia for the supports that have been provided. Mr. Sugianto also praised the 20 participants who become the selected lecturers of the pilot program for their efforts and commitment to improve their English skills, especially for teaching purposes, while at the same time, developing nursing books in English. The next speech was from Zakiyah Eke as the representative of WHO Indonesia. She praised the hard work that had been put into the event as well as the program and that she wished that the cooperation between WHO Indonesia and Directorate General of Health Workers continues for the next programs.

Afterwards, there was an awarding ceremony for the participants. The Most Enthusiastic Participant was awarded to Dr. Siang Br Tarigan, S.Pd, S.Kep., M.Kes. of Poltekkes Kemenkes Medan. The Most Responsive Participant was awarded to Sari Luthfiyah, SKp., M.Kes. of Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, the Most Outstanding Progress was given to Wiradianto Putro, S.Kep., MPH of Poltekkes Kemenkes Pontianak, and finally the Highest Score of English Camp was awarded to Nurun Laasara, S.Kep, Ners., M.Kep. of Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta. Afterwards, tokens of appreciation were presented to Nursing Department of UGM, English Language Education Study Program of UII, and Curriculum and Educational Technology of UNY for their pivotal roles in providing guidance and reviews in the development of the aforementioned 20 nursing books. 

The Director of Polkesyo, Dr. Iswanto, S.Pd., M.Kes. in his closing speech remarked how the books written by the participants had made significant progress in the span of the last few weeks, devoting enormous efforts, day and night, providing their expertise in written form. He also professed how this is made possible by the relentless guidance and reviews from the partnering universities. In the end, he thanked the Directorate General of Health Workers, WHO Indonesia, all participants, UGM, UII, UNY, Bapelkes Semarang, as well as all committee and staffs. After being officially closed, there was a photo session for all guests, participants, and reviewers.